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Hi , I'm Riandry Connor





  • 🔭 I’m currently working on web and Mobile Apps(Kotlin&Swift&ReactNative)

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Containerization and Kubernetes, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), Serverless Computing

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on scalable projects

  • 👨‍💻 Some of my projects are available at

  • 💬 Ask me about React, Node, .Net, Angular ,Mobile Development.

  • 📫 How to reach me [email protected]

  • ⚡ Fun fact I like to create indie video games in my free time.

Connect with me:

riandrydevelop riandry connor @riandryconnor @riandryconnorde1 riandrydevelop

Languages and Tools:

android angular azure babel bootstrap csharp css3 docker dotnet express figma firebase gcp git graphql html5 javascript jest kotlin linux mariadb mongodb mssql mysql nodejs postgresql python react redux sass swift typescript unity webpack




Pinned Loading

  1. Consorcio_Api Consorcio_Api Public

    this api is a part of a fullstack project , backend(.net) , frontend(angular), database(azure)


  2. Consorcio_ui Consorcio_ui Public


  3. SismoAPI SismoAPI Public

    This is the official backend of the SismoAPP, An application that collects and delivers seismological data around the world.


  4. SismoUI SismoUI Public

    This is the official frontend of the SismoAPP, An application that collects and delivers seismological data around the world.


  5. Prueba-Tecnica-RiandryConnor-El-Juego-de-la-Ruleta Prueba-Tecnica-RiandryConnor-El-Juego-de-la-Ruleta Public

    Este proyecto es parte de una prueba tecnica donde me pidieron crear una version del famoso juego de la ruleta , famoso juego al azar en los casinos , en tecnologias especificas.
