Tag any entity in your Symfony2 project. This bundles takes care of the frontend using the jQuery Plugin from max-favilli/tagmanager and of the backend using FabienPennequin/FPNTagBundle, which is a convenient wrapper around a Doctrine extension.
You can either use composer to add the bundle :
$ php composer.phar require fogs/tagging-bundle dev-master
Or you can edit your composer.json
where you have to add the following:
"require": {
To start using the bundle, register it in your Kernel. This file is usually located at app/AppKernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new FPN\TagBundle\FPNTagBundle(),
new Fogs\TaggingBundle\FogsTaggingBundle(),
(Do you know how to get rid of the line for FPNTagBundle()? Please tell me. Or better: fork & fix. Thanks.)
Activate the bundles configuration by adding an imports statement in your config. This file is usually located at app/config/config.yml
# ...
- { resource: ../../vendor/fogs/tagging-bundle/Fogs/TaggingBundle/Resources/config/config.yml }
(You know a better way to enable this bundles configuration? Please tell me or even better: fork & fix. Thanks again.)
Add routes to this bundle. Only needed, if you plan to use typeahead. This file is usually located at app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@FogsTaggingBundle/Controller"
type: annotation
prefix: /
Dump all newly installed assets and update the database schema
$ app/console assetic:dump
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Ensure that the bundle's CSS and JS files are loaded. Most likely you want to do that in your app/Resources/views/base.html.twig
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('css/tagging.css') }}" />
<script src="{{ asset('js/tagging.js') }}"></script>
Since the tagging.js relies on JQuery, the <script>
tag must be somewhere after JQuery has been loaded.
In this example, we use the entity Profile
- yours may of course have a different name.
use Fogs\TaggingBundle\Interfaces\Taggable;
use Fogs\TaggingBundle\Traits\TaggableTrait;
* Profile
class Profile implements Taggable
use TaggableTrait;
// ...
Traits require PHP >5.4 - if you are not able to upgrade, you may also copy & paste the content of the TaggableTrait class into your entity instead of the use TaggableTrait;
. However, baby seals die whenever you do that, so consider upgrading again.
Afterwards add a new input to the form builder of your entity:
class ProfileType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
// ..
->add('tags', 'tags');
Now you should be able to edit the entity and have tags available.
To access tags that are assigned, use the tags attribute of the entity. In a twig you could do this:
{% for key, value in profile.tags %}
<li>{{ value }}</li>
{% endfor %}