Clone the git repo to /opt/kernel-builder
$ sudo git clone /opt/kernel-builder
$ cd kernel-builder
If running on a 64bit architecture, install additional 32bit packages required by the toolchain
$ sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 libc6-i386 lib32stdc++6
Setup the kernel-builder
$ ./
edit and set the variable KERNEL-BUILDER_DIR= to the kernel builder directory. default is "/opt/kernel-builder"
~$ sudo re4sonbuild -h
usage: re4sonbuild [options]
This will build the Raspberry Pi Kernel.
-h Show this message
-r The remote github kernel repo to clone in user/repo format
Default: raspberrypi/linux
-b The git branch to use
Default: Default git branch of repo
-c Set up the environment and clean the source tree
-6 The config file to use when compiling for Raspi v6 (ARMEL)
Default: arch/arm/configs/bcmrpi_defconfig
-7 The config file to use when compiling for Raspi v7 (ARMHF)
Default: arch/arm/configs/bcm2709_defconfig
-7 The config file to use when compiling for Raspi v8 (ARM64)
Default: arch/arm/configs/bcm2709_defconfig
Reset the ebvironment for a fresh build:
~$ sudo re4sonbuild -c
Compile with default options:
~$ sudo re4sonbuild
Compile with default options:
~$ sudo re4sonbuild
Compile re4son-raspberrypi-linux using the rpi-4.4.y-re4son
~$ sudo re4son -r -b rpi-4.1.y-re4son
A tar.xz
archive will be available in the kernel-builder folder
after the custom kernel has been built. Copy the archive to your Pi and extact the
contents. Installation instructions are included in the archive.