All the Projects done in Secondary 2
Here are some of the projects done in Secondary 2 in SST.
L1 Hello World
- Hello World in Swift with a click.
L2 Photobook
- A book that has some photos which can be added.
CLicker better better
- A clicker app
Area of Triangle
- Calculates the Area of a triangle.
BMI Calculator
- Calculates your BMI based on your inputs.
- A tool that logs whatever you are typing, including passwords.
Leap Year
- Tells you whether the year is a leap year.
SPSLS SCisoors paper stone lizard spock
- Scissor Paper Stone game but its advanced now.
Scissors, paper, stone
- The original Scissor Paper Stone game.
- Hiding text in images in a python file.
The Story
- A text story in python.
Pythagoras Theorem
- Pythagoras Theorem in python.
Barcode create
- Creates a barcode for you.
Auto Clicker
- An auto clicker made in Apple Scripts.
- a bonus app made in xcode.
Done by: