released this
22 Jun 15:36
12 commits
to main
since this release
{ v0.5-alpha.1 }
Alpha release
For testing only. Includes variable Roman font + .ttf and .otf static Roman fonts. Does not have any Italic fonts.
- Cyrillic (Supports Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, and maybe some more)
- Weight values change
- Vertical metrics change
- Discretionary Ligatures (script + neo-grotesk)
- Fractions & some math notations
- Tabular punctuations
- Most uppercase letters widened up
- Kerning issues, along with adding kerning for Cyrillic letters
- I dieresis fix & Double ÏÏ ïï alternative
- I.ss11.ss03: Now works like how it should be: both off, one of the two on, both on - all working
- Improved side bearings for some letters
- Stacked diacritics for Vietnamese: manually edited
- Polish characters: A, E, U + ogonek: manually edited; different design for acute
WARNING: Any releases before version 1.0 may have massive changes to side bearings, vertical or horizontal metrics, and character widths. If you use this typeface for a website, expect a slight change in the web layout.