Online To-do list application, created using React, Redux, Firebase Realtime Database, GoogleAuth, and AWS Cognito. It allows users to create folders called Projects which consist of multiple Tasks. Each account has its own data which is stored online.
User Authentication
- Register with email and password
- Email verification code
- Login with email and password
- Login with GoogleAuth
To-Do List
Create project
View project
Update project
Delete project
Create task
View task
Update task
Delete task
Sort projects by category
Sort projects ascendingly or descendingly
Sort tasks by category
Sort tasks ascendingly or descendingly
View tasks due today
View tasks finished
- AWS cognito
- GoogleAuth
Clone this project locally and then follow the instructions below:
To start the client application, go to the root folder:
cd daily-quest-2
Install dependencies by running:
npm install
Start the client application in development mode on port 3000 by running:
npm start
To run the build process:
npm run build
Tasks inside a project folder:
List of projects:
Home page: