oha is a tiny program that sends some load to a web application and show realtime tui inspired by rakyll/hey.
This program is written in Rust and powered by tokio and beautiful tui by tui-rs.
This program is built on stable Rust.
cargo install oha
You can optionally build oha against rustls instead of native-tls.
cargo install --no-default-features --features rustls oha
pacman -S oha
brew install oha
On Debian (Azlux's repository)
echo "deb http://packages.azlux.fr/debian/ buster main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azlux.list
wget -qO - https://azlux.fr/repo.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
apt update
apt install oha
- Linux - Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 gnome-terminal
- Windows 10 - Tested on Windows Powershell
- MacOS - Tested on iTerm2
option works different from rakyll/hey. It's set overall query per second instead of for each workers.
Ohayou(おはよう), HTTP load generator, inspired by rakyll/hey with tui animation.
Usage: oha [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <url>
<URL> Target URL.
-n <N_REQUESTS> Number of requests to run. [default: 200]
-c <N_WORKERS> Number of workers to run concurrently. You may should increase limit to number of open files for larger `-c`. [default: 50]
-z <DURATION> Duration of application to send requests. If duration is specified, n is ignored.
Examples: -z 10s -z 3m.
-q <QUERY_PER_SECOND> Rate limit for all, in queries per second (QPS)
--latency-correction Correct latency to avoid coordinated omission problem. It's ignored if -q is not set.
--no-tui No realtime tui
-j, --json Print results as JSON
--fps <FPS> Frame per second for tui. [default: 16]
-m, --method <METHOD> HTTP method [default: GET]
-H <HEADERS> Custom HTTP header. Examples: -H "foo: bar"
-t <TIMEOUT> Timeout for each request. Default to infinite.
-A <ACCEPT_HEADER> HTTP Accept Header.
-d <BODY_STRING> HTTP request body.
-D <BODY_PATH> HTTP request body from file.
-T <CONTENT_TYPE> Content-Type.
-a <BASIC_AUTH> Basic authentication, username:password
--http-version <HTTP_VERSION> HTTP version. Available values 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 2.
--host <HOST> HTTP Host header
--disable-compression Disable compression.
-r, --redirect <REDIRECT> Limit for number of Redirect. Set 0 for no redirection. [default: 10]
--disable-keepalive Disable keep-alive, prevents re-use of TCP connections between different HTTP requests.
--ipv6 Lookup only ipv6.
--ipv4 Lookup only ipv4.
--insecure Accept invalid certs.
--connect-to <CONNECT_TO> Override DNS resolution and default port numbers with strings like 'example.org:443:localhost:8443'
--disable-color Disable the color scheme.
--unix-socket <UNIX_SOCKET> Connect to a unix socket instead of the domain in the URL. Only for non-HTTPS URLs.
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
uses default options inherited from rakyll/hey but you may need to change options to stress test in more realistic condition.
I suggest to run oha
with following options.
oha <-z or -n> -c <number of concurrent connections> -q <query per seconds> --latency-correction --disable-keepalive <target-address>
In real, user doesn't query same URL using Keep-Alive. You may want to run without
. -
You can avoid
Coordinated Omission Problem
by using--latency-correction
Feel free to help us!
Here are some issues to improving.
- Write tests
- Improve tui design.
- Show more information?
- There are no color in realtime tui now. I want help from someone who has some color sense.
- Improve speed
- I'm new to tokio. I think there are some space to optimize query scheduling.
- Output like CSV or JSON format.
- Improve histogram in summary output
- It uses very simple algorithm now.