We need to download CNVpytor, Samtools, and other necessary files for smooth processing of the CNV analysis.
For installing and setup of the CNVpytor follow the below steps :
pip install cnvpytor
#add path of cnvpytor if needed
cnvpytor -download
We will also be needing samtools so for that, follow the below steps:
sudo apt-get -y samtools
It is expected that the sequence files will be there in a single folder. which contains reference genome. For downloading we can simply use the wget function.
wget <reference genome link>
wget https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/ce11/bigZips/ce11.fa.gz
wget <links of sequence files>
We need a configuration file for each reference species. Here we are working on C. elegans. So I have already uploaded it. It can be downloaded using:
wget https://github.com/Rajarshi0/CNVanalysis/blob/main/ce11_ref_genome_conf.py
For creating the gc file we need the the unzipped fasta sequence of the sequence (here, reference). I have given syntax for C. elegans:
gzip -d ce11.fa.gz > ce11.fa
cnvpytor -root ce11_gc_file.pytor -gc ce11.fa -make_gc_file
I hope after this the script will run smoothly. It is uploaded here only. Thank you so much