Assignment 2 was done by completing also all of the challenges (Android, offline operations and Facebook 3rd party login)
Web application is available at:
cd backend/
To deploy you should run sh
. This script will:
- install Docker
- install GCloud SDK
- install kubectl
- generate the web application Docker image and push it to Google Cloud registry
- configure the replication nodes for MongoDB
- configure the appropriate controllers and services for the web app
- provide you with the public IP of the cluster in the end
Important However, this script will stop at certain steps giving you instructions what to do next and then to re-run the same script again. This is needed because:
- in order to run
docker build
, the current user needs to be added to the docker group and changes won't take effect unless you log out and in again - in order for gcloud command line tool to work you need to restart the terminal session
After following the instructions provided by the deploy script, you will have a functioning Kubernetes cluster deployed on Google cloud :)
To create DB replicas, cd into /db_replication
and run:
make add-replica DISK_SIZE=200GB ZONE=europe-west1-c
For the sake of this project, three replicas have been created using the above command: mongo-1
, mongo-2
and mongo-3
These replicas are then used by the mongoAdapter.js
to connect to the url: mongodb://mongo-1,mongo-2,mongo-3/usersDB
posting a rolling update on Kubernetes
kubectl rolling-update web-controller --image-pull-policy=Always
get external IP
gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
Run locally:
Stop/remove all Docker containers:
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Delete all images
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Set up the external network:
docker network create -d bridge nginx-proxy
POST /api/users/auth
"email" : "...",
"password" : "..."
Status 200, body:
"token" : "..."
PUT /api/users/register
"email" : "...",
"name" : "....",
"password" : "..."
POST /api/users/facebook
"email" : "...",
"fbtoken" : "...",
"name" : "..."
Status 200, body:
"token" : "..."
Status 201, body:
"message" : "Success!"
GET /api/ocr/history
Required header: Authorization : Bearer token_from_auth
Status 200, body:
"thumbnails": ["base64 string"],
"sources" : [ array of base64 strings of source images ],
"ocr": ["ocr_text"],
"creationTime": date_in_milliseconds,
"benchmarks": [milliseconds]
POST /api/ocr/text
Required header: Authorization : Bearer token_from_auth
"images" : [base64_strings]
Status 200, body:
"thumbnails": ["base64 string"],
"sources": ["base64 string"],
"ocr": ["ocr_text"],
"benchmarks": [milliseconds],
"creationTime": date_in_milliseconds
Frontend of the project is implemented as a responsive website, but also Android application was made.
To build APK files run in frontend/android directory.
After the build you can find the APK files at: mobileOffloading at: frontend/android/Project2/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
Web application supports also Facebook login and offline operations.
To build and run web application, run in frontend/web directory.
The build script will install all the required dependencies and launch a localhost server.
The web application is also available at: