An intelligent Gaming System developed using Advanced Data Structures in c consisting of Sudoku, Hangman and Crossword Puzzle Game
This intelligent gaming system involves three types of games:
The system can give solution to any soduku problem and can generate any level of difficulty of sudoku problem. also It displays the information about the game and its rules and regulations. Bakctracking and greddy search strategies are used to implement sudoku.
The hangman game is implemented with choosing a word based on difficulty based on the dataset file using linked list. to fetch the word from the dataset the tries data structure is used. In addition with that the game history and information is also displayed.
The game of Crossword puzzle is implemented by selecting five random words from the dataset of words and placing them with self made algorithmic approach. user can also generate crossgrid on their own words. Tries data structure is used to fetch words from the file database into the game. The game history and rules are displayed by printing the file content
login and signup feature in cusing file systems
diffulties are adjsuted using priority queues.
Hashtable is used to store sudoku solutions for proper memory management and utilization.
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