A library that simplifies Ethereum wallet creation.
npm install @radarrelay/wallet-manager
yarn add @radarrelay/wallet-manager
import { LightWalletManager } from '@radarrelay/wallet-manager';
Create a new wallet
Create a new lightwallet and save it into local storage or as a file.
- password (mandatory) A string used to encrypt the vault when serialized.
- seedPhrase (optional) A twelve-word mnemonic used to generate all accounts. Randomly generated if not supplied.
- salt (optional) The salt used to encrypt & decrypt the vault. Randomly generated if not supplied.
- hdPathString (optional) A BIP39 compliant HD Path String. Defaults to
. - storageKeyName (optional) The local storage key or file name.
const lightWallet = await LightWalletManager.createWalletAsync(options: LightWalletOptions): Promise<LightWallet>
Save an existing wallet
Save the encrypted lightwallet into local storage or as a file.
LightWalletManager.saveWallet(wallet: LightWallet): void
Load an existing wallet
Load the lightwallet from local storage or the file system.
const lightWallet = await LightWalletManager.loadWalletAsync(password: string): Promise<LightWallet>
Add new accounts
Adds 1 or more accounts to the lightwallet instance and saves the updated wallet.
lightWallet.addNewAccounts(numberOfAccounts: number = 1): void
Export private key
Exports the private key for a single account.
const privateKey = lightWallet.exportAccountPrivateKeyAsync(account: string, password: string): Promise<string>
Export seed phrase
Exports the wallet's seed phrase.
const seedPhrase = await lightWallet.exportSeedPhraseAsync(password: string): Promise<string>
Get accounts
Gets all the accounts from the wallet.
const accounts = lightWallet.getAccounts(): string[]
Serialize the encrypted lightwallet.
const serializedWallet = lightWallet.serialize(): string
Sign a message
const signedMsg = await lightWallet.signer.signPersonalMessageAsync(account: string, message: string): Promise<string>
Sign a message hash
const signedMsgHash = await lightWallet.signer.signPersonalMessageHashAsync(account: string, messageHash: string): Promise<string>
Sign a transaction
const signedTx = await lightWallet.signer.signTransactionAsync(txParams: PartialTxParams): Promise<string>
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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.