Releases: Rachel030219/HashChecker
Releases · Rachel030219/HashChecker
HashChecker 1.7 STABLE
- 提供大部分主流 Android 设备的支持
- 优化了文件访问方式
- 移除了无用权限
- 修复了微量 bug,提高了运行效率
Change logs: - Improved support for most mainline Android devices
- Improved file access
- Removed abundant permission
- Bugs fixed with efficiency improved
HashChecker 1.6 STABLE
Selecting multiple files directly supported
All the bugs(hopefully) fixed
HashChecker 1.5.1 STABLE
Edited API
Fixed a bug which influences repeat coloring
Changed color sort to help distinguish
Added Privacy Policy
Because something unexpected happened, we do not provide an apk on GitHub this time. Sorry.
HashChecker 1.5 STABLE
- Added repeat recognizer
- Added tag switch
- Reduced meaningless waste of RAM
- Improved thread safety
- Fixed a bug when copying all
HashChecker 1.4 STABLE
- Open API, welcome developers to look up API DOC in GitHub
- Provide a "Copy all" feature
- Support CRC32 hexadecimal value now!
- Fixed a bug that always causes FC when checking SHA512
- Updated translations and license
HashChecker 1.3.1 STABLE
- Fixed a big bug that causes FC
- Added more options
HashChecker 1.3 STABLE
- Supported multiple calculations
- Supported CRC32
- Added encrypting method selector
- Supported RTS layout
- Improved UI
HashChecker 1.2 STABLE
- changed the package name and the application ID
HashChecker 1.1 STABLE
An update for uploading to the Google Play Store
Change log:
- Uploaded to Google Play! (Yeah!
HashChecker 1.0 STABLE
- Added a new way to calculate the hash of file
- Improved logic
- Fixed a bug that causes check fails
- Improved translations
The first stable version!