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Solid RML Store

This Solid store allows you to generate RDF through the use of RML rules.

How to use

First install this repository as a dependency:

$ npm i @rmlio/solid-rml-store

Then add the following lines to your config:

"@context": [
      "solid-rml-store": "urn:solid-rml-store:default"
"import": [
"@graph": [
      "@id": "solid-rml-store:AnyToRdfConverter",
      "AnyToRdfConverter:_rmlRulesPath": [path to the rules file],
      "AnyToRdfConverter:_rmlmapperPath": [path to the jar]


This converter converts an existing representation to its RDF representation, according to the RML rules defined in a given file (AnyToRdfConverter:_rmlRulesPath). The content-type defined in the representation's metadata is used to know the type of the input data, thus this cannot be undefined.

If the RMLMapper (rmlmapper.jar) is not found at the given location (AnyToRdfConverter:_rmlmapperPath), then the latest version is download to that location. Beware that this jar is approximately 60MB, thus this download can take some time.