- Ensure all files and Virtual Disk (VHD or VHDX) are in the same folder.
- Ensure all Scripts are signed, for a smoother expeirence as in no set-execution policy.
- ensure you edit the configuration file (Json) with the correct information.
These scripts are recommended for testing MSIX App Attach applications.
The Json should look like the following example:
"vhdFileName": "chrome.vhd",
"parentFolder": "MSIX",
"packageName": "Chrome_1.0.0.0_x64__ekey3h7rct2nj",
"volumeGuid": "68c840d5-f0f2-4eac-9534-72f37cd8f864",
"msixJunction": "C:\\temp\\AppAttach"
A Cim image looks like this:
The Json should look like the following example:
"vhdFileName": "not needed",
"parentFolder": "MSIX",
"packageName": "Chrome_1.0.0.0_x64__ekey3h7rct2nj",
"volumeGuid": "68c840d5-f0f2-4eac-9534-72f37cd8f864",
"msixJunction": "C:\\temp\\AppAttach"
The guid is still needed for testing locally.
cimutil.exe m "filename.cim"
cimutil.exe d "volume guid"
Cim images can be run in any folder directory update on the 01/02/2021 - Cim images can be run in any folder diretory - fixed/
The following sample applications will be uploaded in due course:
- Pinball
- Putty
- MS Edge
- Notepadpp
Ensure you install the provided certificate into the root before using these cim images with MSIX App Attach.
- ensure the cim files are placed in the root directory. This can be a mounted VHD or c:\
- mount the cim recording the volume guid from the output
- load the powershell scripts as a administrator
- Run the modified staging script
- register the App.
- test the application.
- de-register the app.
- destage the app.
- unmount the cim image
- clean up the root directory
You can use the following technologys to create MSIX Apps and pepare into MSIX App Attach quickly.
- Create MSIX Apps without any installation media https://www.appcure.io/
- MSIX Community Tooling MSIXAACT - Community Tooling for MSIX app attach
- CIMUTIL (community tool) - mount and dismount CIMFS DRIVE letters and volumes. both options availble. CIMTool
- CIMFS powershell Module - get-mountpoints & Get-CIMs GetMountpoints
- appventix - https://appventix.com/
- Powershell Scripts - VHD/VHDX - App attach scripts VHD/VHDX
- Powershell Scripts - CIMFS - App attach Scripts CIMFS
- Scripts to Identify CIM's and how to handle CIMFS Sprawl CIM Management scripts
Find out more on WVD and VDI - https://ryanmangansitblog.com