Simple ASP.NET Core app that collects data from ESP8266 or other IoT devices
Available requests:
Type | Path | Data |
GET | /api/temperature | All temperature reads |
GET | /api/temperature/{id} | Temperature read with selected id |
POST | /api/temperature | Uploads a new temperature read. Place and value string needed in request body |
DELETE | /api/temperature/{id} | Deletes selected read |
- If Bower downloads wrong wersion of boostrap:
- If you're at step 8 of Azure deployment and you can't see "Apply this migration on publish" checkbox this probably means that you have something wrong in project.json.
- If your app crashes at start make sure that you've newest version of .NET Core tools:
- First create new web app
- Download publising profile
- Create new SQL database instance
- Copy connection string
- Remember to edit that string with proper user name and password
- Right click on your solution and click Publish
- Import your publishing proflie that you've downloaded in step 2
- Check both of those checkboxes and paste that edited connection string (step 4/5)
- Pray
- Now you can edit AzureIoTDemo.ino with SSID, password and IP of your published app and flash it to your IoT device
- ???
- Profit.