- bubble (generated ID / Many-to-Many-Relation to Bubble-Table - varchar)
- userID (twitter-user-id - bigInt)
- userHandle (twitter-user-handle at the time processed - varchar)
- followings (relation to itself with userID to userID - Many-to-Many)
- rating (int - custom rating if the user should be weighted more in a bubble)
- name (varchar)
- description (varchar)
- automatically generated ID (name > md5 encrypted)
All Mentions with a specific syntax get sent to API and saved, so the tweets can be processed from the bot in the frontend through subscribing via cronjob to the mention-tweets and check their status.
Fields are:
- tweetID (primary, bigint)
- answered (boolean)
- senderID (bigint)
RequestedUser (type: many-to-one): Which User got requested from the userlist (gets added to userlist if not exists).