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0.15.0: New waveform compiler + other new features!

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@weinbe58 weinbe58 released this 05 Jan 02:08
· 112 commits to main since this release

New in 0.15.0

In this release we have added a new compiler for bloqade waveforms to turn them from our bloqade waveform language to python functions. To enable this when running the bloqade python emulator specify the waveform_runtime=... with either:

  • "interpret" which corresponds to the original behavior
  • "python" which generates python function representing the waveform
  • "numba" Further compiles the python function with numba.

There is a slight performance gain when using the "python" option, and this really will only help for very complicated waveforms.

Note that this is pretty experimental; we have tested a decent number of waveforms, but there still might be some issues. It is easy to check by simply switching the waveform_runtime option

Other features

  1. Added some changes to the visualization of the lattice in the Report object
  2. Added visualization for programs with parallelize
  3. Added support for emulating the full Bloqade IR. This means you can append sequences together and execute them, more to come here.