This project helps users to initialize a new cluster.
It is suitable for:
- a real cluster, which consists of PCs, small servers or other physical machines you own.
- cloud environment, such as Amazon EC2, aliyun.
The only conditions you should have are:
- you have installed ubuntu (tested on 14.04) OS on all the nodes. (it is always eligibly in cloud environments, e.g., EC2, aliyun)
- you know or have set the ip address on each node.
- python 2.7 has been installed on your laptop/PC. (unless you use a Windows OS, otherwise you are eligibly. on Windows, you need to install Python yourself)
- fabric (version >=1.10) has been installed on your laptop/PC
- it seems a little harder than above steps. But believe me, you deserve it!
- on Mac, install easy_install and then fabric:
- download file
- sudo python
- sudo easy_install fabric
- on Linux (Ubuntu), the same way (notice, do not use pip to install fabric, you will be disappointed; besides, apt-get install fabric is ok, but the version is 1.8 now (2016.4))
- sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential
- sudo easy_install fabric
- on Windows,... Good luck, guy. I have not tried how to install fabric on Windows. But it should not be a probelm.
init EC2 cluster, for free-password-login(ubuntu and root). for hostname, for hosts file.
##how to use
modify passwd.ini
this is an example
[default] #which section is actived activeSession= #the sudo user, only used for sudo tasks root = #passwd of sudoer passwd = #example of section [server] #uesr name, if use createUser task, this user name will be the new user newuser = #password of newuser passwd = #cluster ips, use comma to split hosts= #hostnames of cluster , the number of hostnames must equal with hosts. the hostnames is used for changeHostname tass hostnames= #locally jdk file. the related path is ./ jdk_source_file= # when the jdk.tar.gz is unziped, the folder in the tar file. jdk_folder= # the ntp server address you want to sync ntp_server= # the allowed net that can sync with your ntp server ntp_net= # the allowed net mask that can sync with your ntp server ntp_net_mask=
this is an instance:
[default] activeSession=server root = fit passwd =111 [server] newuser = hxd passwd = 1112 hosts=, hostnames=s3, s5, jdk_source_file=files/jdk1.8.77.tar.gz jdk_folder=jdk1.8.0_77 ntp_server= [client] newuser = hxd passwd = 1112 hosts = hostnames = s2 jdk_source_file=files/jdk1.8.77.tar.gz jdk_folder=jdk1.8.0_77 ntp_net= ntp_net_mask= ntp_server= [all] newuser = hxd passwd = 1112 hosts=,, hostnames=s2,s3, s5 jdk_source_file=files/jdk1.8.77.tar.gz jdk_folder=jdk1.8.0_77
you can use this script like this
fab task_name
you can use
fab help
to show how many tasks supportted.current supportted tasks:
- createUser
- create a new user (username is 'newuser' in the configurations, password is 'passwd' in the active configurations).
- removeUser
- delete the user we created
- addIntoHostFile
- add all the <ip,hostname> into /etc/hosts
- changeHostname
- change all the hostnames as the values in the actived conf.
- installnptserver
- install ntp server on nodes. We suggest you only install ntp server on one node in the cluster, instead of all the nodes.(how to do: enable a configruation which has only one ip in 'hosts')
- distributeJDK
- after you manual download a jdk file, you can use this task to push it to all the nodes and modify the $JAVA_HOME and $PATH
- setnpttaks
- add a scheduled task every day for ntpdate time with the ntp server
- password-free ssh
- setting password-free ssh. how to use:
- fab ssh1 (this can generate pem files)
- fab ssh2 (this finish the password-free)
- fab ssh3 (cleanup)
- setting password-free ssh. how to use:
- restart
- reboot the cluster
- correct_bashrc
- normally, we use
ssh hxd@node1 "jps"
, the terminal says: jps command not found, though we have set $JAVA_HOME and $PATH in .bashrc file. The reason is that .bashrc is ignored when we run a non-interactive login command. To solve that, use this task to repair the bashrc file.
- normally, we use
- modifyAtpSource
- modify the apt sources.list as files/sources.list.
- addDisk
- when you add a new disk, you should format it and then mount it. this task help you. use
fab addDisk:device,location
. e.g.,fab addDisk:/dev/sdb,/datab
- when you add a new disk, you should format it and then mount it. this task help you. use
- TODO: we will add new tasks to help user add new nodes in an existed cluster
- createUser
some bigdata system and monitor system. you can use it like
fab -f fab_bigdata taskname
current supported task:
you need add a section in passwd.ini
[collectd] #server ip tell the node that where to send the collected data #the receiver should have a receive process. e.g. influxdb and others #the most easy receiver is collected itself. In this way, you should modify the receiver's collectd configuration file yourself: /etc/collectd/collectd.conf #in network plugin: replace "Server" by "Listen" server_ip= server_port= #collect interval unit: second interval=5
fab -f fab_bigdata runCollectd:stop
orfab -f fab_bigdata runCollectd:start
- ganglia is a master-slave architecture. now you can only install the client, ganglia-monitor. The master processes, gmetad and ganglia-webfrontend, are not included.
- if you want to install the master processes, see
- to install the client process, you need a gmond.conf in files folder. Notice, modify the ip address in the file as your master ip, and modify the cluster name as the same as your master configuration.
- you can install CouchDB.
- normally, couchdb is a single-node. therefore, your active section.hosts should have only one ip. But if you exactly want to install couchdb on all the nodes, use
fab -f fab_bigdata installCouch:y
- in current version, we do not modify the bind-address of CouchDB, the default is localhost.
- you can start or stop CouchDB
- how to use:
fab -f fab_bigdata runCouch:'start'
orfab -f fab_bigdata runCouch:'stop'
orfab -f fab_bigdata runCouch:'start','y'
orfab -f fab_bigdata runCouch:'stop','y'
. 'y' means you have couchdb on each node
##Amazon Ec2 (or other pem based ssh) in Amazon Ec2, we use a pem file to login instead of password.
To use the script on Amazon EC2. you need modify the script now. But do not worry, just a little thing you need to do:
- comment "env.password=..." in rootUser()
- add env.key_filename=['filepath'] in rootUser()
- Cheers!