Here you can clone/download the Linux-Node Wallets for PUTinCoin:
putincoind.tar.gz = Linux CLI-node
PutinCoin-qt-ubuntu.tar.gz = Ubuntu Linux GUI Node Wallet (tested up to Ubuntu 18.04)
PutinCoin-qt-mint.tar.gz = Mint Linux GUI Node Wallet (tested with Cinnamon Edition)
PutinCoin-qt-kali.tar.gz = Mint Linux GUI Node Wallet (tested with Kali Linux 2023.4)
IMPORTANT: If you update an existing wallet, just replace the old executable with the new one, but pls. shut down the old wallet before, if it is running.
We recommend you to use Ubuntu 18.04, as the code was developed on it and it got all neccessary depencencies.
We don't recommend any lower version of Ubuntu, Mint & Kali.
Also we cannot offer a detailed installation-guide for other Linux-Distributions than Ubuntu.
Command-Parameters for the "putincoind"-CLI Daemon you can find here:
We have added GUI node wallet compilations for MINT Linux & KALI Linux because of increasing demand from stakers.
For installing on Mint & Kali you need to get the following libraries by the respective "apt install" commands:
- libboost-all-dev
- libqt5gui5
- libdb5.3++-dev
- libdb5.3++
- libopenmpi-dev
- qrencode
- libminiupnpc-dev
- git
Then you need to make sure that the respective PutinCoin-qt executable has got the rights to be executed (755)!
The detailed description below is only for the Ubuntu GUI & CLI Node Wallet!
Ubuntu 18.04 and higher:
$ sudo -s
$ nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xenial-backports.list
deb xenial main restricted deb xenial universe deb xenial-updates universe deb xenial multiverse deb xenial-updates multiverse deb xenial-security main restricted deb xenial-security universe deb xenial-security multiverse
Save. (Strg-X -> Y)
$ apt -y update
$ apt -y install libboost-system1.58.0 libboost-mpi1.58.0 libboost-graph-parallel1.58.0 libboost-program-options1.58.0 libboost-thread1.58.0 libqt5gui5 libdb5.3++-dev libdb5.3++ libopenmpi1.10 qrencode libminiupnpc10 git
$ dpkg -i libboost-filesystem1.58.0_1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb
$ git clone
$ cd LinuxNodes
CLI-Node: $ tar xzf putincoind.tar.gz (further installation see "CLI-Setup:" below)
GUI-Node: $ tar xzf PutinCoin-qt.tar.gz (We think it's easiest to put a symlink to "Putincoin-qt" on Desktop)
$ chmod 755 putincoind (only for CLI)
$ chmod 755 PutinCoin-qt (only for GUI)
$ sudo -s
$ cp putincoind /usr/bin
$ putincoind &
You get the following message:
"Error: To use putincoind, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file: /home/yourusername/.putincoin/putincoin.conf It is recommended you use the following random password: rpcuser=putincoinrpc rpcpassword=13KEAXFFhx4CrE7pZNzKuBjZxaZZFrXwcGiNKLjQnR6f (you do not need to remember this password) The username and password MUST NOT be the same. If the file does not exist, create it with owner-readable-only file permissions. It is also recommended to set alertnotify so you are notified of problems; for example: alertnotify=echo %s | mail -s "PutinCoin Alert" [email protected]"
$ cd ~/.putincoin
Delete everyhting in this folder EXCEPT "wallet.dat" (folders need to be removed with "rm -rf")
$ nano putincoin.conf
rpcuser=chooseyourownrpcusername rpcpassword=chooseyourownrpcpassword #Choose the RPC-Port you want to open for the node rpcport=9998 rpcallowip= #The PnP-Port should be left at 8567 port=8567 #(0=off, 1=on) daemon - run in the background as a daemon and accept commands daemon=1 txindex=1 listen=1 #(0=off, 1=on) server - accept command line and JSON-RPC commands server=0 enableaccounts=0 staking=0
Save. (Strg-X -> Y)
$ putincoind &
Wallet-Daemon should be running now, check by entering
$ putincoind getinfo
It takes around 12 - 24 hours until the cli-node has fully synced with the PUT-blockchain
If you want to autostart the service on system boot or reboot you must set up a systemd service:
$ sudo -s
$ cd /etc/systemd/system
$ nano putincoind.service
[Unit] Description=Putincoin daemon
[Service] User=root Group=root Type=forking PIDFile=/home/REPLACE BY YOUR USERNAME !!/.putincoin/ ExecStart=/usr/bin/putincoind -conf=/home/REPLACE BY YOUR USERNAME !!/.putincoin/putincoin.conf -pid=/home/REPLACE BY YOUR USERNAME !!/.putincoin/ -datadir=/home/REPLACE BY YOUR USERNAME !!/.putincoin KillMode=process Restart=always TimeoutSec=120 RestartSec=30
Save. (Strg-X -> Y)
$ chmod 755 putincoind.service
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl enable putincoind.service
$ putincoind stop
$ service putincoind start