Uses IPFS to store contract and image metadata.
Contract Features: Mintable with Auto Increment Ids, Burnable, Enumerable, URI Storage
Access Control: Ownable
Install Yarn
npm install -g yarn
git clone
cd erc721-opensea-hardhat
yarn install
# list hardhat tasks:
npx hardhat
npm i -g hardhat-shorthand
hardhat-completion install
# hh == npx hardhat
Create free accounts on:
Create .env (listed in .gitignore). Important, never check in .env to public repo!
cp .env.sample .env
enter the following values into .env:
Clean, compile and test:
hh clean
hh compile
hh test
hh coverage
hh node
In a new terminal, go to the repository's root folder and run this to deploy your contract:
hh deploy --network localhost
update LOCALHOST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS .env with address of newly deployed contract.
hh mint-token --network localhost --metadata-uri ar://8_NZWr4K9d6N8k4TDbMzLAkW6cNQnSQMLeoShc8komM
hh burn-token --network localhost --token-id 0
Verify image and fee_recipient values in prisart-contract.json. Deploy prisart-contract.json:
npx arweave deploy assets/prisart-contract.json
Update "contractURI" in contracts/PRISART.sol with URL result from above.
Upload image as a 480x480 animated gif:
ffmpeg -i prisart-0.mp4 -vf scale=480:-1 prisart-0.gif
npx arweave deploy assets/prisart-0.gif
After Arweave deployment, update "image" with the resulting Arweave URL (ar://HASH) in prisart-0.json.
Upload animation_url as a 1024x1024 mp4 with vcodec H.264, pixel format YUV 4:2:0, and CRF 25. Arweave image or video should be less than 10MB:
npx arweave deploy assets/prisart-0.mp4
After Arweave deployment, update "animation_url" with the resulting Arweave URL (ar://HASH) in prisart-0.json. Deploy prisart-0.json:
npx arweave deploy assets/prisart-0.json
Note new Arweave path (ar://HASH) to token metadata file for minting
Get ether on Rinkeby:
Supply the private key of the contract owner in .env:
Deploy contract to Rinkeby:
hh deploy --network rinkeby
Note the deployed contract's address and update value in .env:
Run the following command, by providing the new contract address:
hh verify --network rinkeby --contract contracts/PRISART.sol:PRISART <contract-address>
Visit the following URL, by providing the new contract address:
hh mint-token --network rinkeby --metadata-uri ar://8_NZWr4K9d6N8k4TDbMzLAkW6cNQnSQMLeoShc8komM
Go to connect wallet using the Rinkeby network. Choose "My Collections" and "Import an existing smart contract". Enter the Rinkeby Contract Address.
hh burn-token --network rinkeby --token-id 22
Token will be transferred to the zero address and marked as nonexistent token
hh deploy --network mainnet
note the depoloyed contract's address and update value in .env:
Run the following command, by providing the new contract address:
hh verify --network mainnet --contract contracts/PRISART.sol:PRISART <contract-address>
Visit the following URL, by providing the new contract address:
hh mint-token --network mainnet --metadata-uri ar://8_NZWr4K9d6N8k4TDbMzLAkW6cNQnSQMLeoShc8komM
hh burn-token --network mainnet --token-id 22
Token will be transferred to the zero address and marked as nonexistent token
Go to and connect wallet using the mainnet network. Choose "My Collections" and "Import an existing smart contract". Enter the mainnet Contract Address.
- by Juan Blanco
- ESLint by Dirk Baeumer