What's Changed
🧱 Models
- Add Comparative Aspects and Opinions Ranking for Recommendation Explanations (Companion) model (#635) @lthoang
📝 Documentation
- Add Model Ensembling Tutorial (#640) @darrylong
- Update Readme to include Cornac-AB section (#638) @darrylong
✅ Other changes
- Replace GitHub Actions macos versions to just macos-latest (#653) @darrylong
- Change download-artifact github action version to v4 (#652) @darrylong
- Remove Deprecated Python 3.8 from Build Process (#651) @darrylong
- Update upload-artifact to v4 for python-publish.yml (#650) @darrylong
- Update suggestion command for building cornac from source (#645) @lthoang
Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.3.0