Blossom[1] fuzzes an input program to generate ranges of a set of identified numerical kernels in the program. It has two fuzzing techniques: 1) blackbox fuzzing that randomly generates program inputs and monitors the ranges of kernel inputs and 2) guided blackbox fuzzing that generates program inputs specifically with the objective to expand the ranges of kernel inputs.
We then use these ranges to verify numerical kernels with our extension of Daisy. We provide the jar file of this extension here for easier use.
[1] A Two-Phase Approach for Conditional Floating-Point Verification, Debasmita Lohar, Clothilde Jeangoudoux, Joshua Sobel, Eva Darulova, and Maria Christakis, TACAS 2021.
- LLVM 10
(If Rust is used)
- Rust
- rustfilt
(If Daisy is used for kernel verification)
- libgmp10
- libmpfr4
- Z3
sudo apt-get install cmake
LLVM 10:
git clone
cd llvm-project
git checkout release/10.x
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86 -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang <llvm-project/root/dir>/llvm/
cmake --build .
(If Rust is used) Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
cargo install rustfilt
(from wholeProgramAnalyzer/blossom/src/black-box-pass / guided-black-box-pass directory)
cmake -DLT_LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=<llvm_install_directory>/llvm-project/build
NOTE: We provide all our benchmarks here: wholeProgramAnalyzer/blossom/benchmarks/
. For running the scripts, we assume that you are in the main directory.
bash scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/ <benchmark> <language> <time> <fuzz> <iteration>
python scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/resultGeneration/ <result_dir> <table_num>
(produces results as shown in the paper)
e.g, running Blossom's BB on arclength
for 50 minutes and 2 iterations:
bash scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/ arclength c 50 bb 2
python scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/resultGeneration/ results/blossom-bb 2
(For Table 2 result)python scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/resultGeneration/ results/blossom-bb 3
(For Table 3 result)
bash scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/ 50 5
(for 50 mins and 5 iterations)bash scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/ 50 5
(for 50 mins and 5 iterations)python scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/resultGeneration/ results/BB_50 2
(result directory, table 2)python scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/resultGeneration/ results/guidedBB_50 2
(result directory, table 2)python scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/resultGeneration/ results/BB_50 3
(result directory, table 3)python scripts/wholeProgramAnalyzer/resultGeneration/ results/guidedBB_50 3
(result directory, table 3)
bash scripts/kernelAnalyzer/
(verifies all kernels)bash scripts/kernelAnalyzer/
(optimizes relevant kernels)
Blossom requires an input program file and a configuration file. The configuration file needs to have the same name as the program file with .config as the extension.
The configuration file lists the program input ranges.
Supported types: Numerical (int, float, double), Array, Pointer, Structure
- main_i_min = <lower_limit> ( i indicates the argument number)
- main_i_min = <upper_limit>
- main_i_size = <array_len>
- main_i_j_k_min = <lower_limit> (j_k indicates j_kth element of the array, supports higher dimensions)
- main_i_j_k_max = <upper_limit>
- main_i_size = <ptr_len>
- main_i_min = <lower_limit>
- main_i_max = <upper_limit>
- numerical_kerneli_j_size = <array_len> (j indicates jth input of kernel i is an array of <array_len>)
- Debasmita Lohar
- Clothilde Jeangoudoux
- Joshua Sobel
- Eva Darulova
- Maria Christakis
Some portions of the llvm infrustructure has been inspired by and sometimes directly taken from the example LLVM-passes of llvm-tutor project (see the LLVM_tutor_LICENSE).