These course materials are jointly developed by Michael Davidson and Jesse Jenkins for introducing constrained optimization models applied to power systems. The materials will be used for:
- MAE / ENE 539 Optimization Methods for Energy Systems Engineering (Advanced Topics in Combustion I) [Princeton]
- MAE 243 Electric Power Systems Modeling [UC San Diego]
This course will teach students constrained optimization problems and associated solution methods, how to implement and apply linear and mixed integer linear programs to solve such problems using Julia/JuMP, and the practical application of such techniques in energy systems engineering.
The course will first introduce students to the theory and mathematics of constrained optimization problems and provide a brief introduction to linear programming, including problem formation and solution algorithms.
Next, to build hands-on experience with optimization methods for energy systems engineering, the course will introduce students to several canonical problems in electric power systems planning and operations, including: economic dispatch, unit commitment, optimal network power flow, and capacity planning.
Finally, several datasets of realistic power systems are provided which students will use in conjunction with building a model for a course project that answers a specific power systems question.
ERCOT 120-bus 500kV simulated system for optimal power flow and economic dispatch problems
ERCOT 3-zone 2040 brownfield expansion system for capacity expansion planning problems - (See Notebook 7 for description)
WECC 6-zone 2045 brownfield expansion system w/100% clean resources for capacity planning problems
WECC 12-zone 2020 current capacity for unit commitment and economic dispatch problems
If you would like to use these materials, please see the license and copyright page.