PortokaLive is an open-source experimental platform for broadcasting live stream using free tier hosting of api.video (for development purpose only).
Version 1.0.0
by m3yevn
Development has completed.
start : $ react-scripts start
build : $ react-scripts build
test : $ react-scripts test
eject : $ react-scripts eject
Visit the repository to open bug reports and issues
This project does not have a license.
- @style-xper/style-xper-jss : $ ^1.0.0
- axios : $ ^0.21.1
- bootstrap : $ ^4.4.1
- is-empty : $ ^1.2.0
- jwt-decode : $ ^2.2.0
- react : $ ^16.13.1
- react-bootstrap : $ ^1.0.1
- react-dom : $ ^16.13.1
- react-icons : $ ^3.10.0
- react-redux : $ ^7.2.0
- react-router-dom : $ ^5.1.2
- react-scripts : $ 3.4.1
- redux-thunk : $ ^2.3.0
- typescript : $ ^3.8.3
- @testing-library/jest-dom : $ ^4.2.4
- @testing-library/react : $ ^9.3.2
- @testing-library/user-event : $ ^7.1.2
- @types/is-empty : $ ^1.2.0
- @types/jwt-decode : $ ^2.2.1
- @types/react-redux : $ ^7.1.8
- @types/react-router-dom : $ ^5.1.5
- node-sass : $ ^4.14.1
- redux-devtools-extension : $ ^2.13.8
Happy Coding!