Code examples for Polymarket
See examples for more information
Polymarket uses smart contract wallets internally. Every account created using the Polymarket website is a smart contract wallet.
There are 2 kinds of smart contract wallets used:
Polymarket Proxy: This is a smart contract wallet developed internally at Polymarket, to be used with Magic/email accounts. Only the address associated with the email account can execute functions for the wallet.
Polymarket Safes: This is a slightly modified Gnosis safe to be used with various Browser wallets(including Metamask, Rainbow, Coinbase Wallet,etc). It is a multisig with only 1 signer, the wallet used to sign into the website.
Code examples for interacting with Polymarket Proxy Wallets are available here
Magic accounts use Proxy Wallets on the backend
Code examples for interacting with Safe Wallets are available here
Browser wallets(Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, etc) use Safes on the backend
Populate your .env file based on .env.example.
Run examples using ts-node:
ts-node examples/safeWallet/split.ts