A simple header file that contains procedural noise functions for use with GBDK. Comparable to basic simplex noise, and includes an experimental perlin noise / fbm noise implementation that I don't think works but might? I'm not sure tbh, I couldn't yield useful results.
Based on the C fbm header by nowl at https://gist.github.com/nowl/828013 and modified using some fixed point stuff i made up
For information on how it works, see the header file comments
Example usage:
//Loop through each x and y coordinate to-be generated
for(uint_fast8_t x=0; x<targetMap_Width; x++) {
for(uint_fast8_t y=0; y<targetMap_Height; y++) {
uint_fast8_t val = noise2d(x*45,y*45); //Sample simplex noise
if(val<128) set_element(x,y,water); //Below ocean level
else set_element(x,y,grass); //Above ocean level = land (grass)