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Voxel Miner

A C++ DX11 Minecraft clone


This was originally started as a university project, but I kept working on it and decided to make the code public. There's probably some iffy code in places but I'm overall pretty happy with it!

Todo / Roadmap

You can see the roadmap at


Building is only intended on Windows, Visual Studio (I used Visual Studio 2022) The only dependency required is DirectXTK

  • Download DXTK from

  • Place folder at ../../ from the repo , ( the path should look like :

     ====/source/repos/VoxelMiner/ *[this is the repo]*
     ====/source/DirectXTK/ *[DirectXTKs root should be here]*

    Alternatively, change the Visual studio project properties to your desired location, but that could be messy

  • Build Desktop_2022_Win10\x64 Debug and Release. This should place it in ../../DirectXTK/bin/x64/*

  • Load the VoxelMiner Visual studio project and build either x64 Debug or x64 Release

Packaging build as clean exe

To package the .exe and its necessary data into a single clean folder

  • Build Release x64 in Visual Studio
  • Run clean_build.bat
  • Find the clean build in the folder Build/



Under the GPL-2.0 license. Info can be seen at Of course, read the license properly, but the keys are to not reapply a new license (and so must be open), and link back here as the source.
