MuteTab is a Chrome extension that helps you manage the sound coming from tabs in Google Chrome. It helps you to narrow down which tab(s) are making sounds and allows stopping them (and pausing if YouTube, HTML5 Video/Audio, or QuickTime), including an option to do so automatically with background tabs. It does not detect web audio.
###Points of interest
People looking to reuse code may find the following pieces of highest interest:
- js/contentscript/objectembed.js: Interpret the source of a plug-in to determine which parameters are set or change them.
- js/contentscript/messaging_contentscript.js, background/messaging.js: framework for keeping track of data related to open tabs
###Build instructions
First get the files onto your computer. Clone OpenForge into mutetab_src and follow its instructions for setting it up.
Then clone this project and a utility (mergejson) into the proper folders by running the following commands:
cd mutetab_src
git clone src
git clone mergejson
Finally, run the following commands (including them in a script is recommended, since you'll do it every time you build.)
source ./python-env/bin/activate
rm -rf development/chrome
forge-extension build chrome
python mergejson/ development/chrome/manifest.json src/mutetab_chrome.json development/chrome/manifest.json
You can run it by going to chrome://extensions, checking Developer mode, clicking "Load unpacked extension...", and choosing the development/chrome folder.
If you want to donate, you can do so (here).