API based on Java Spring framework
Enter your S3 keys into docker-compose.yml
Open your terminal, go to video_hosting_api folder, run following command:
docker-compose up --build -d
If you did everything correctly, the API should be up and running on port 8080.
Open video_hosting_api folder in IDE (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA). Add environment variables:
AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY - access key for S3 storage;
AMAZON_SECRET_KEY - secret key for S3 storage;
Then run the API. If you did everything correctly, the API should be up and running on port 8080.
A token which you get after login has to be provided as a request header with any request (except Sign in/up). Example: header key - Authorization, value - "Bearer your_token".
You can find API documentation here by visiting swagger-ui/index.html