Bukkit plugin to manage command blocks with permissions. This includes making them view only or defining permissions for certain commands/options only!
Currently only operators in creative mode can access command blocks. The plan is to extend this to normal players without op/creative.
Builds: http://ci.minebench.de/job/CommandBlockPermissions/
This is an highly experimental plugin without any real testing!
You will not make me responsible for any damage that may result by the usage of this plugin!
logWarnings: true
# Toggle logging of warnings to the console/log file
# To receive warnings ingame use the following permission:
# commandblockpermissions.receivewarnings
checkOps: true
# Check permissions of ops as command blocks will execute
# with a higher permission level than they would themselves
usePlayerPermissions: false
# Allow players the usage of commands for which they already
# have the permissions to. This can cause issues with some
# plugins as they check additional permissions in their command
# resolver which this plugin can't check for.
# Use cbp.perm.<commandpermission> to allow players only access
# to certain commands in command blocks!
Permission | Description |
cbp.perm.%permission.node% | This allows you to define a permission that the player |
should have when he sets a command in a command block. | |
(Replace %permission.node% with any permission) | |
E.g. cbp.perm.minecraft.command.give for the /give command | |
cbp.commandblock.place | Place command blocks |
cbp.commandblock.break | Break command blocks |
cbp.commandblock.access | Access command blocks |
cbp.commandblock.change | Change command blocks |
cbp.command | Access to the plugin command |
cbp.command.reload | Reload the plugin via /cbp reload |
cbp.options.disabletrackoutput | Disable tracking of output |
cbp.options.conditional | Set command blocks to conditional mode |
cbp.options.mode.redstone | Use the redstone mode |
cbp.options.mode.auto | Use the automatic mode |
cbp.options.mode.sequence | Use the sequence mode |
cbp.receivewarnings | Get warnings when a player tries to set a disabled command |