Setup Instructions:
/* No longer necessary, for now you can just start the project by opening SundayRiver.xcodeproj and pressing "command R" */
(Requires Xcode Installation and docker installation)
Clone Repository
Navigate to /trailblazer/Database in terminal
Run command in terminal:
docker run --name trailblazer -e POSTGRES_DB=VaporTrailblazer \
-e POSTGRES_USER=mckee_p \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=trailblazer \
-p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Reveal TrailBlazer Folder in Finder
Open Package.swift in TILApp
Run the program(Command R), make sure target is my computer
Return to root folder
Open xcode.proj
Run the program (Command R)
With any inquiries about the app feel free to reach out at [email protected]