The project has been created as a part of Bit2Byte Bootcamp conducted by Real Dev Squad. The goal of the project is to learn and implement Test Driven Development (TDD). All the pages have been created using Test Driven Development where I wrote test suites and saw them fail and then implemented features making them pass.
This project has been hoisted on Heroku:
- react-router-dom 6
- React testing library
- jest
The signup route contains three input fields namely Email, Password, and Confirm-Password fields with a Submit Button
Email Field
Only valid email is accepted consisting of '@' and a '.'
If the user navigates away and starts filling another field, then the border color of the input field is changed to red
Password Field
While entering the password the strength of a password is tested and a label shows up indicating password strength as Weak or Strong
Confirm Password Field
If the password does not match then the border color of the input box is changed to red and the user is acknowledged with the proper message
Submit Button
Submit button is disabled by default and is only enabled when all the fields are filled and satisfies all the constraints
The OTP page contains four input boxes and a label that shows OTP. This page has two buttons to Clear and Verify OTP
Input Boxes
All input boxes only accept numbers
Focus is automatically transferred to the next input box once the current input box is filled
Clear Button and Verify OTP Button
Clear button on click clears all the input boxes
Verify OTP button is disabled by default
Verify OTP button is only enabled if all input boxes are filled
If Right OTP is entered the user will be navigated to the next page else acknowledgment of incorrect OTP is shown
The Referral page allows users to enter referral code if the user has it
Option Labels
If the user selects **Yes I do have** a label then **Enter your referral code** section is shown to the user
If the user select **No, I wish I had referral** option then he is navigated to the **Waiting-List page**
Referral Code Section
Input box allows entering referral code of length five
If the referral code is not valid then the user is acknowledged with a proper message
If the referral code is valid then the user is navigated to the **Signed Up page**
If the referral code is valid then user gets signed up else the user is added to the Waiting-List and appropriate message is shown