Table of contents
GitHub Page showing application deadlines of Economics PhD programmes.
If you discover a vulnerability/error/mistake in the production code of this GitHub Page, please refer to the instructions found in for instructions on reporting these issues. I will then address the problem as soon as possible.
16 December, 2024: Increased list of schools to 175.
02 December, 2024: Increased list of schools to 157.
20 October, 2024: Increased list of schools to 150.
07 October, 2024: Increased list of schools to 125.
06 October, 2024: Increased list of schools to 100! Added FAQ information about the meaning behind the deadlines displayed in the list and an important reminder for readers to check individual PhD programme websites for details about semester start dates, potentially new application deadlines, etc.
22 October, 2023: Increased list of schools to 75. Updated some existing school deadlines. Updated FAQs. List all non-USA programmes to be either Master's + PhD or PhD only structured.
31 July, 2023: Increased list of schools to 60. Updated some existing school deadlines. Updated FAQs.
16 October, 2021: Increased list of schools to 50. Updated FAQs.
13 October, 2021: Added NTU, NUS, and SMU deadlines. Updated U Chicago deadline.
8 October, 2021: Updated deadlines and corrected broken URLs.
19 November, 2019: Increased list of schools from 30. Hyperlinked schools with programme websites.
18 November, 2019: Initialised repo and GitHub Page. Added schools personally and currently applying to do an economics PhD.
Economics Master's + PhD funded programmes are predominantly shown (US programmes are virtually all Master's + PhD structured).
If a programme is PhD only (i.e., requires holding a Master's degree for admission), I will explicitly state as such, in parentheses, next to the school name.
Programmes with no information stated can be assumed to provide a Master's + PhD structure (regardless of location). At the moment, I am following this structure for US programmes. To be better safe than sorry, I am specifying Master's + PhD structure for non-US programmes.
Application deadlines listed are chosen because the corresponding programmes consider them to be the latest possible date eligible for PhD funding.
I recommend looking into the programme website in order to confirm if the PhD starts in the fall or spring semester since this information is not included in the table for conciseness sake.
I WILL NOT show unfunded PhD deadlines because I believe they are massive opportunity costs that are worth neither the time nor the effort.
I'm an economics PhD candidate at UT Austin studying applications of text analysis and natural language processing in macroeconomics, particularly in central bank communication and expectations formation. I'm also a USAPL powerlifter (519kg total club ٩( ᐛ )و). If you want to find out more about me and my research, please visit my personal website. You can also find my research on my Google Scholar profile, my SSRN profile, my GitHub profile, and my ORCID (0009-0000-8559-7915).
Because most schools' PhD websites are awful at clearly displaying the application deadlines.
There also wasn't any single website that had all the deadlines, so I made this GitHub Page to track and display this information front and centre for myself and future applicants.
Slowly. Whilst this is a personal project, I have full intention of making this website contains the deadlines of hundreds of PhD programmes eventually.
You can check the changelog on the GitHub repo page.
If you don't see a particular economics PhD programme, please submit an issue to the GitHub repo or shoot me an email with the school's PhD programme website URL, country, and application deadline.
Maybe. However, the priority will always be Master's + PhD or PhD only programmes.
Manually, because I haven't bothered to make it more automated by scrapping each school's PhD websites.
The day and month are the most important parts of the deadline. If one needs to know the year for absolute certainty (e.g., January deadlines), the programme website is provided.