Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations. Matplotlib is a widely-used plotting library for Python that allows users to create a variety of static, animated, and interactive visualizations in a simple and effective way. It is highly customizable and provides a range of options for creating high-quality graphs and plots.
- pip: pip install matplotlib
- conda: conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
- What is Matplotlib and What is Matplotlib Figure?
- Advantages of Matplotlib
- Different types of plots in Matplotlib with their use cases and examples
- Line Plot
- Scatter Plot
- Bar Plot
- Horizontal Bar Plot
- Histogram
- Box Plot
- Pie Chart
- Heatmap
- Violin Plot
- 3D Plot
Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib (2021) by Nicolas P. Rougier
Mastering matplotlib by Duncan M. McGreggor
Interactive Applications Using Matplotlib by Benjamin Root
Plotting with matplotlib by Mike Müller
Introduction to NumPy and Matplotlib by Eric Jones
Matplotlib Introduction by codebasics
Matplotlib tutorial by Nicolas P. Rougier
Anatomy of Matplotlib - IPython Notebooks by Benjamin Root
Beyond the Basics: Data Visualization in Python by Stefanie Molin