This repository contains documents describing Java Application for Chatting - part of Java Project - ITI
BFDA is a simple RMI Based Chat application with main chatting and file transfer functionality
As mentioned this project is educational project so this project is unlicensed Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
- Sign in & Sign up for the first time
- Add friends.
- Showing Online/offline status of clients on the contacts list.
- User notification when another user become online.
- Accept and ignore Friend request.
- Ability to conduct one to one chat or chat group also with Text Formating "Color , Font and Size"
- Ability to save a chat session.
- Ability to transfer files.
- Signout.
- Ability to start / stop the server.
- Allow users to signup and store their information.
- Accept connections and store information about client's status.
- Ability to send an annoucement message to all online users.
- show some statistics about users (Online / Offline)
First of All you had to create Mysql database using this Script Database Script
Run Server First
Run Client and Enter Server IP
Login Or Register
- This Project is an Educational Project , No Productional Testing Held on it , We don't recommend using it in any Real Life Projects
- Ahmed Sobhy
- David Emil
- Muhammed Fawzy
- Passant Ahmed
For ITI Intake 38