Our ParHAC code (and code for our other implementations of clustering algorithms) can be found in code/examples/parhac/.
The code can be compiled by going into one of these directories, e.g.,
cd code/examples/parhac/parhac/
and then running make -j
The code can then be run on input graphs in the PBBS/GBBS adjacency list format (described below).
numactl -i all ./ParHac-CPAM-CPAM-Diff -epsilon 0.01 -s -m -rounds 1 ~/inputs/soc-LiveJournal1_sym.adj
Please see below for instructions on the graph format that we use.
For each algorithm, we have both a version that takes as input a
graph, and a version that takes as input a pointset. The pointset
versions can be found in the directories suffixed _end_to_end
, e.g.
cd code/examples/parhac/parhac_end_to_end
make -j
The code can then be run on inputs in the ANN-benchmarks format
numactl -i all ./ParHac -k 50 -ftype fvecs /ssd0/ANN/sift1M/sift_base.fvecs
This command builds a similarity graph using a parallel ANN algorithm
that is part of concurrent ongoing work by the anonymized authors. The
algorithm uses a graph-based construction which is competitive with
state-of-the-art methods on the ANN-benchmarks leaderboard. The value
of k used in the construction can be supplied using the -k
The applications take the input graph as input as well as an optional
flag -s
to indicate a symmetric graph. Symmetric graphs should be
called with the -s
flag for better performance.
On NUMA machines, adding the command "numactl -i all " when running the program may improve performance for large graphs. For example:
> numactl -i all ./ParallelHAC [...]
When processing large compressed graphs, using the -m
command-line flag can
help speed-up data loading if the input file is already in the page cache, since the
compressed graph data can be mmap'd.
We support the adjacency graph format used by the Problem Based Benchmark suite and Ligra.
The adjacency graph format starts with a sequence of offsets one for each vertex, followed by a sequence of directed edges ordered by their source vertex. The offset for a vertex i refers to the location of the start of a contiguous block of out edges for vertex i in the sequence of edges. The block continues until the offset of the next vertex, or the end if i is the last vertex. All vertices and offsets are 0 based and represented in decimal. The specific format is as follows:
This file is represented as plain text.
Weighted graphs are represented in the weighted adjacency graph format. The file should start with the string "WeightedAdjacencyGraph". The m edge weights should be stored after all of the edge targets in the .adj file.
Graphs from the SNAP dataset collection are commonly used for graph algorithm benchmarks. We provide a tool that converts the most common SNAP graph format to the adjacency graph format that GBBS accepts. Usage example:
# Download a graph from the SNAP collection.
wget https://snap.stanford.edu/data/wiki-Vote.txt.gz
gzip --decompress ${PWD}/wiki-Vote.txt.gz
# Run the SNAP-to-adjacency-graph converter.
# Run with Bazel:
bazel run //utils:snap_converter -- -s -i ${PWD}/wiki-Vote.txt -o <output file>
# Or run with Make:
# cd utils
# make snap_converter
# ./snap_converter -s -i <input file> -o <output file>