This program searches for the maximum flow of the graph. I described every method, class and function in code.
- To run this code - firstly - simply download zip, or clone this repository using git:
git clone
- Then go to project directory and simply run the
- Follow instructions given in console/terminal. Write the name of .json adjacency list file and You'll be presented with results.
Follow the previously written step 1) and then download the requirements.txt. As You have them downloaded:
Uncomment line 33, 51 in in project. These lines:
"""Uncomment if You wish to draw the graph"""
# graph.draw(source[0:len(source) - 5] + ".png")
"""Uncomment if You wish to draw the graph with residual edges"""
# graph.draw(source[0:len(source) - 5] + "_residual.png")
also uncomment lines 10-11, 149-156 in graph_definition/ in project. These lines:
"""Uncomment if You wish to draw the graph"""
# from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import to_agraph
# import networkx as nx
"""Uncomment if You wish to draw the graph"""
# def draw(self, path):
# g = nx.DiGraph()
# for edge in self.edgeList:
# g.add_edge(,, weight=edge.weight)
# output_path = "networkx_files/" + path
# agraph = to_agraph(g)
# agraph.layout('dot')
# agraph.draw(output_path)
Then the graph images will be saved in networkx_files directory. I already draw the examples. I commented these lines in case there will be any problems with gettings these external libs but feel free to uncomment them if You managed to install requirements.txt. There is no need at all to install requirements in case You keep those lines commented.
Then follow previously written step 3)
The adjacency list structure - .json file - looks like this:
[ [ [vertex, weight], [vertex, weight], [vertex, weight], ... ],
[ [ [vertex, weight], [vertex, weight], [vertex, weight], ... ] ],
[ [vertex, weight], [vertex, weight], [vertex, weight], ... ]
Every line represents a node, starting from 0. In brackets for nth node, there are nodes that are connected to this nth node, where - because graph is oriented - edges are "coming out" of this nth node and poiniting to all nodes in brackets. If there is no edges starting at a node, we simply leave "[]" brackets. Also at second position in [vertex, weight] bracket we pass weight.
You can use already created .json files or create new ones. Make sure You put them in /adjacency_lists directory where the examples are.
[[ [1,5], [2,10], [3,5]], #0th node, 0->1, 0->2, 0->3 with weights, in order, 5, 10, 5.
[[4,10]], #1st node, 1->4 with weight 10
[[1,15], [5,20]],
[[5,25], [7,10]],
[[3,5], [8,30]],
[[8,5], [9,10]],
[[10,15], [9,5], [4,15]],
[] #10th node, no edges starting at this node so : [].
results are being printed in the console during working of the program. Every time algorithm finds the path - it prints it. Also prints the minimum flow of edges that has to be substracted from edges in path and actual max-flow of the graph. For example:
printing path: ( 0 )->( 1 )->( 2 )->( 4 )->( 3 )->( 5 )->( 6 )
actual minimum flow of edges: 1
actual maximum flow of graph: 5
Then it prints the actual Graph edges with residual edges flow, for example:
Graph edges:
( 0 --> 1 ) with weigh: 3 with flow: 3 with remaining flow: 1
( 0 --> 3 ) with weigh: 3 with flow: 3 with remaining flow: 0
( 1 --> 2 ) with weigh: 4 with flow: 4 with remaining flow: 2
( 2 --> 0 ) with weigh: 3 with flow: 3 with remaining flow: 3
( 2 --> 3 ) with weigh: 1 with flow: 1 with remaining flow: 0
( 2 --> 4 ) with weigh: 2 with flow: 2 with remaining flow: 1
( 3 --> 4 ) with weigh: 2 with flow: 2 with remaining flow: 2
( 3 --> 5 ) with weigh: 6 with flow: 6 with remaining flow: 2
( 4 --> 1 ) with weigh: 1 with flow: 1 with remaining flow: 1
( 4 --> 6 ) with weigh: 1 with flow: 1 with remaining flow: 0
( 5 --> 6 ) with weigh: 9 with flow: 9 with remaining flow: 5
( 3 --> 0 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 3
( 4 --> 3 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 0
( 6 --> 4 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 1
( 5 --> 3 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 4
( 6 --> 5 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 4
( 1 --> 0 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 2
( 2 --> 1 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 2
( 3 --> 2 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 1
( 4 --> 2 ) residual edge with remaining flow: 1
At the end of working, when there is no edge left, the program prints the maximum flow of graph, for example:
Result maximum flow: 5