Miscellaneous utilities and tools for synchrotron radiation and x-ray optics.
The classes and functions here can be used in a standalone more. They are separated in different folders:
- metrology: tools for x-ray optics metrology
- plot: plotting tools
- gol (Graphics in One Line): some functions to make easily simple plots using matplotlib
- sources:
- srfunc: functions to calculate synchrotron emission of bending magnets and wigglers
- util:
- data_structors: igor-like data structures
- h5_simple_writer: simple writer for hdf5 files
- inverse_method_sampler: classes for generating random numbers following given 1D, 2D and 3D probability dostribution functopns
- waveoptics: generic wavefront and free space propagators for x-ray optics (testing code, the final user-code is in [https://github.com/oasys-kit/wofry])