Theme for the Loughborough VuFind system
In order to edit this theme, it needs to exist within a VuFind themes directory. This is so gulp can properly build the CSS. The best way to achieve this is to clone a copy of VuFind. To do this, you can run the following commands:
cd /path/to/your/preferred/folder
git clone ./vufind
cd ./vufind
git checkout -b release-10.0 --track origin/release-10.0 ## to get VuFind 10.0
Once you have a copy of the VuFind cloned locally, we can then add this repository as a submodule, under the themes directory:
cd /path/to/your/vufind/clone
cd themes/
git submodule add ./vufind-theme-lboro-2024
Note: this will make the vufind clone unclean. This is fine, but be careful not to do a git push
outside of the newly cloned theme directory.
This will create a new subdirectory in the themes directory, called vufind-theme-lboro-2024
. We can now cd into this directory:
cd /path/to/your/vufind/clone
cd themes/vufind-theme-lboro-2024/
git status
> On branch main
> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/dev/vufind-10.0'.
> nothing to commit, working tree clean
git remote -v
> origin (fetch)
> origin (push)
Now we have the repository cloned, we can move on to building with gulp.
To build with gulp, you'll need Node.js installed locally. On Darwin machines, run:
brew doctor
brew update
brew install node
Once node
is installed, you can install the dependencies with:
npm install
npm --include=dev install
Lastly, you can run the following to build the css:
## if you want to build once
gulp sass
## if you want to follow along
gulp sass-watch
To update the code, simply run:
cd /path/to/your/vufind/clone/themes/vufind-theme-lboro-2024
git fetch ## for the paranoid
git rebase -i
This should fetch the latest changes
Once you've made some changes, and want to see the changes, you'll want to push the changes to the server:
cd /path/to/your/vufind/clone/themes/vufind-theme-lboro-2024
git pull --rebase --interactive ## to make sure nobody else has made changes
git add * ; git commit -m "A message for the commit" ; git push
I'm getting zsh: command not found: gulp
. What do I do!?
You might need to install gulp
globally with:
npm install -g gulp