Example ILL backend plugin
Use this project as a guideline:
- Create your plugin, copy the contents from your old ILL backend into the plugin folder.
- Copy the code from your old Base.pm file into the plugin file named after the plugin.
- Rename the old backend 'metadata' method to 'backend_metadata'.
- Rename the old backend 'new' method to 'new_backend'.
- Add the required plugin methods (new, install, upgrade, uninstall, including $our metadata)
- Rename the package, example:
- package Koha::Illbackends::ReprintsDesk::Base;
- into
- package Koha::Plugin::Com::PTFSEurope::ReprintsDesk;
- Add the use base line, example:
- use base qw(Koha::Plugins::Base);
- Add the ill_backend and name methods
- You should be good to go!