- A cIAP (cloud Internet Access Point). Mainly, it is a security product between Internet and your public application hosted in your private zone
- The acronym (with imagination and goodwill) of Opensource cIAP Nextgen
- A Societe Generale Open Source project developped by Eric BOUTEVILLE within Public Cloud Feature Team (Cloud Center Of Excellence) of Societe Generale
- Compatible on AWS but can be modified to use another Cloud Service Provider (Azure, OpenStack, Vmware...) or bare-metal, most of components are Linux-based softwares
- Securly expose a WebSite to Internet
- Protect you against intrusions (SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), file inclusion...) & virus
- Limit you against deny of service
- Detect malicious activities or policy violations
- Securly connect your external users to your internal zone
- Collect all the logs and provide metrics, search and analytics
- Be easly derivated on other x86 (Azure, OpenStack, Bare-Metal) platform in order to have the same Internet Access Point in a multi-cloud context
There are several layers (from the most exposed -Internet- to the less exposed -Internal-):
- redundant load-balancers
- redundant filtering layer
- redundant reverse-proxies
- redundant proxies with SSL terminaison
- redundant WAF or TCP relay (it depends on the protocol used)
- redundant Antivirus & IDS
- (not yet redundant) VPN
- redundant firewalls
- AWS private link or VPC peering (what suits you)
Those functionnalities are deployed by:
- The cloudformation template aims to build the AWS infrastructure (EC2, ELB...)
- The ansible playbook will configure all software components (inside EC2)
For further details, a more complete READme is available in each directory.
- Azure version
- Autoscaling group implementation
- Common referential (LDAP/other), this will permit to link users to domains/VPN.
- API to manage web exposition
- WEB server choice: apache/nginx
- IDS choice: suricata/snort
- VPN choice: ipsec(strongswam)/wireguard/openvpn
- OpenStack version (idea)
This project has been created in 2018 by Eric BOUTEVILLE and Product Owner by Yannick NEFF