This ROS2 package enables an F1/10 car to dock autonomously at a docking station using a Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm. The package employs a custom objective function with configurable constraints specified in the config.yaml file. The vehicle's kinematics are modeled using a bicycle model.
This ROS2 package operates as an action server designed to manage the docking process. Users can send desired positions to the server using a custom Docking message type.
The video showcases the F1/10 car performing the docking maneuver using the MPC-based control algorithm at a designated docking station.
: x-position of the car -
: y-position of the car -
: Orientation angle of the car (heading) -
: Steering angle
: Linear velocity of the car -
: Steering rate (rate of change of steering angle)
: Wheelbase (distance between front and rear wheels)
The model uses the following continuous-time equations to describe the evolution of the state variables:
The objective function is central to the MPC, guiding the controller to make optimal decisions by balancing multiple factors such as position accuracy, orientation, steering angles, and control efforts.
Stage Cost:
The stage cost evaluates the performance at each step within the prediction horizon. It consists of the following terms:
Terminal Cost:
The terminal cost evaluates the performance at the end of the prediction horizon. In this project, the terminal cost is set to be equal to the stage cost:
Control Effort Penalties:
To avoid aggressive control actions, penalties are applied to the control inputs:
The overall objective function combines the terminal and stage costs:
Edit the config file:
nvim f1tenth_docking/config/config.yaml
Start the docking action server:
ros2 launch f1tenth_docking
Mock the vesc servo pose:
ros2 topic pub -r 100 /vesc/core vesc_msgs/VescStateStamped '{state: {servo_pose: 0.0}}'
Mock the optitrack pose:
ros2 topic pub -r 100 /optitrack/rigid_body_0 geometry_msgs/PoseStamped '{pose: {position: {x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0}, orientation: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0, w: 1.0}}}'
Set the control loop setpoint:
ros2 action send_goal docking_action_server f1tenth_docking_interfaces/action/Docking "{setpoint: {x_pos: 497, y_pos: 2.0, theta: 0.0, delta: 0.0}}"