In this project we created Chat site with three pages:
On this page, existing users can log in to the site using their username and password stored in the server.
To log in successfully the user must enter a valid password and username.
On this page you can register for the site. The user must enter a valid username, nickname and password.
The user can add a profile image.
After successful registration the user is redirected to the chat page.
On this page on the left there is a list of user chats.
You can send new messages (text, record, image or video) to other users and communicate.
You can add a new user by adding his username, and his server, a validation check is performed and if the details are correct the new user is added successfully.
In this way you can communicate with users on another server.
Run the server from
type npm start in commend line.
register to the site and get started!
- react
- bootsrap
- react-router-dom
- react-bootsrap
- @microsoft/signalr