To get up and running a machine docker and docker-compose is required. Good guides are for this are
Download the idp project
mkdir git
cd git
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd dev
To get up and running in development mode on localhost, you can follow this process.
Run commands from project root directory
Copy config files from def to use folder:
cp config/def/* config/use
The following command generates random secrets and matches them across files.
The following command generates random secrets and matches them across files.
# LC_TYPE is required on macOS
LC_CTYPE=C prefix=(mail_ neo4j_ mysql_); for i in "${prefix[@]}"; do PW=$(</dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9|head -c96); find config/use -type f -exec sed -i -e "s/\b${i}youreallyneedtochangethis_64\b/${PW:0:64}/" -e "s/\b${i}youreallyneedtochangethis_32\b/${PW:64:32}/" {} \+; done
Next we'll need to add some standalone random secrets
grep -sire "\byoureallyneedtochangethis_[0-9]*\b" config/use/** | cut -d : -f 1 | while read line; do PW=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9|head -c96); sed -i -e "0,/\byoureallyneedtochangethis_32\b/ s/\byoureallyneedtochangethis_32\b/${PW:0:32}/" -e "0,/\byoureallyneedtochangethis_64\b/ s/\byoureallyneedtochangethis_64\b/${PW:32:64}/" $line; done
# LC_TYPE is required on macOS
LC_CTYPE=C prefix=(mail_ neo4j_ mysql_); for i in "${prefix[@]}"; do PW=$(</dev/urandom tr -dc A-Za-z0-9|head -c96); find config/use -type f -exec sed -i '' -e "s/${i}youreallyneedtochangethis_64/${PW:0:64}/" -e "s/${i}youreallyneedtochangethis_32/${PW:64:32}/" {} \;; done
Next we'll need to add some standalone random secrets
grep -sire "youreallyneedtochangethis_[0-9]*" config/use/** | cut -d : -f 1 | while read line; do PW=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9|head -c96); sed -i '' -e "1,/youreallyneedtochangethis_32/ s/youreallyneedtochangethis_32/${PW:0:32}/" -e "1,/youreallyneedtochangethis_64/ s/youreallyneedtochangethis_64/${PW:32:64}/" $line; done
Check if it looks correct:
diff -u config/def config/use
Change /etc/hosts
on the dev machine to include the following localhost oauth.localhost id.localhost aa.localhost me.localhost
To change all configurations urls (localhost), execute within the dev root directory:
find config/use -type f -exec sed -i -e s/aa.localhost/ -e s/id.localhost/ -e s/oauth.localhost/ -e s/me.localhost/ {} \;
Remember to fix your host file after this operation
docker-compose -f migrations/docker-compose.migrate.certs.yml up && \
docker-compose -f up -d && \
docker-compose -f migrations/docker-compose.migrate.hydra.yml up && \
docker-compose -f migrations/docker-compose.migrate.idp.yml up && \
docker-compose -f migrations/docker-compose.migrate.aap.yml up && \
docker-compose -f up -d oathkeeper && \
docker-compose -f up -d hydra && \
docker-compose -f migrations/docker-compose.migrate.clients.yml up && \
docker build -t opensentry-dev -f Dockerfile . --no-cache && \
docker-compose -f up -d
docker-compose -f up -d && \
docker-compose -f up -d
docker-compose -f logs -f idp idpui aap aapui meui hydra
curl -X DELETE http://oauth.localhost:4445/oauth2/auth/sessions/consent?subject=user1 -H 'Accept: application/json'
docker run --rm -it -e HYDRA_ADMIN_URL=https://hydra:4445 --network opensentry_trusted oryd/hydra --skip-tls-verify token introspect $TOKEN
docker run --rm -it -e HYDRA_ADMIN_URL=https://hydra:4445 --network opensentry_trusted oryd/hydra --skip-tls-verify clients list
docker run --rm -it -e HYDRA_ADMIN_URL=https://hydra:4445 --network opensentry_trusted oryd/hydra --skip-tls-verify clients get $CLIENT_ID
docker run --rm -it -e HYDRA_ADMIN_URL=http://hydra:4445 --network opensentry_trusted oryd/hydra clients delete $CLIENT_ID