This service was created as a result of the OpenReq project funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 732463.
The stakeholders recommender component is a service addressed to evaluate and execute assignation proposals of requirements inside a project to a specific stakeholder working in a project.
Next sections provide a general overview of the technical details of the stakeholders recommender service.
Main methods
- batch_process: Adds the historic information of a set of stakeholders belonging to a specific organization.
- recommend: Returns, for a requirement, an ordered list of the best possible stakeholders to fulfill it.
- reject_recommendation: Blocks a stakeholder from appearing again in recommendations made by the specific user for a specific requirement.
- undoRejection: Undoes a reject_recommendation.
Auxiliary methods
- getPersonSkills: Returns, for a stakeholder, its set of skills.
- setEffort: Allows setting the conversion of effort points to hours.
- computeEffort: Computes, given a historic information, the conversion of effort points to hours.
- Swagger (→ )
- Maven (→ )
- GloVe: GloVe model (→ )
- riLogging: OpenReq microservice (→ )
- keywords_preprocessing: OpenReq microservice (→ )
1. Download the gloVe model from the latest release, and uncompress it on the root folder of the project
2. Download and install 8 JDK and last Maven version.
3. To generate the jar file use
mvn clean install package
You can take a look at the Swagger documentation here, which includes specific, technical details of the REST API to communicate to the service.
If that url is down, execute the jar and look at the Swagger documentation in "http://localhost:9410/swagger-ui.html" .
See OpenReq project contribution guidelines
Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the EPL version 2 (EPL2.0)