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Import old users

Bastian Greshake Tzovaras edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Importing users from the old OH internal project is done through the import_users management command and requires a CSV file that contains two rows (project_member_id and refresh_token) to be present on the heroku instance in which the command should be run.

The easiest way to upload such a file is The workflow is the following:

Upload the CSV file to

On your local machine with the CSV file run the following:

cat import_user_file.csv|gpg -ac -o-| \ 
curl -H "Max-Downloads: 1" -X PUT --upload-file "-"

This command

  1. first encrypts the CSV file (using gpg - you will be asked to provide a password that will also be used for the decryption)
  2. Uploads the file to, while specifying that it can only be downloaded once before being destroyed.

In the end it will print a link that you can use to download the encrypted copy of your file.

Get a bash on heroku

Now we want to download the file to our heroku deployment of this repository. The best way to do all the following steps is with a single bash:

heroku run:bash will fire up a new heroku dyno and you'll end up in the bash, ready for everything else.

Download your CSV from to your heroku

On the heroku bash you can now do curl|gpg -o- > tokens.csv to download and decrypt your uploaded CSV file in one go. gpg will ask you to enter the password that you also used for the encryption during the upload.

Running the management command

Now that you have your file on the heroku bash you can start the management command like this: import_users --infile tokens.csv --delimiter ","

It should quickly import all the users from the old integration and with that you're good to go. As soon as you type exit in your heroku bash the dyno will be destroyed and your temporary input file for the import will vanish with that.