At Boulder Startup Week Builder's Room Uche Ogbuji (Oori Data) had a simple idea: build a simple tool to regularly grab and select climate-related news, and bring these to a subscriber's attention alongside a few relevant action items—so it's not just downer after downer, but a way to feel involved and conscious. Before he knew it, he had a team of 9 folks interested in pitching in, over the course of a 20 hour sprint. We shipped a prototype, came in 2nd place, and was born. One inspiration for the project is ClimateCon!, a conference in Boulder, a few weeks after BSW (31 May 2024).
The project continues, and we hope it will continue to be of use to busy people who care about the climate, and need an affirmative way to keep engaged.
Sprint prticipants:
- Micah Dew (LinkedIn)
- Zachariah Malik (LinkedIn)
- Troy Namath (LinkedIn)
- Osi Ogbuji (LinkedIn)
- Uche Ogbuji (LinkedIn)
- Aidan Reese (LinkedIn)
- Garrett Roberts (LinkedIn)
- Elaine Yang (LinkedIn)
- Sung Yi (LinkedIn) sends a regular (thrice weekly) e-mail to subscribers (e-mail only at present). This automated e-mail focuses on one digestible, contemporary climate news item, which it summarizes and presents along with three simple actions the reader can take with that news item in mind. does run on an LLM workload, and it's well known that AI itself has a Climate Change problem. We ran (courtesy Zachariah Malik (LinkedIn)) some numbers to see that on the M1 Mac Studio we're using to host its LLM inference, the CO₂ contribution is less than that of one person breathing.
There are several key components for the project. You can tweak how these are all used in run_daily/
Python 3.11 or more recent, preferably in a virtual environment
example setup:
python3.11 -m venv $HOME/.local/venv/bsw
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
Running SearXNG instance. You can just use the Docker container. To run this locally:
export SEARXNG_PORT=8888
docker run --rm \
-d -p ${SEARXNG_PORT}:8080 \
-v "${PWD}/searxng:/etc/searxng" \
-e "BASE_URL=http://localhost:$SEARXNG_PORT/" \
-e "INSTANCE_NAME=ten-min-climate-engine" \
Note: We want to have some sort of API key, but doesn't seem there is any built-in approach (SEARXNG_SECRET
is something different). We might have to use a reverse proxy with HTTP auth.
This gets SearXNG runing on port 8888. Feel free to adjust as necessary in the config.
You do need to edit searxng/settings.yml
relative to where you launched the docker comtainer, making sure server.limiter
is set to false and - json
is included in search.formats
You can then just restart the continer (use docker ps
to get the ID, docker stop [ID]
and then repeat the docker run
command above).
For production SearXNG will need to run on a shared server. Make sure that server has Docker installed, set it as the context. Create /etc/searxng
on the remote server and ensure it's writable by the docker daemon.
sudo chgrp docker /etc/searxng
sudo chmod g+ws /etc/searxng
Then launch with the following setup, where /etc/searxng
is mounted
export SEARXNG_PORT=8888
docker run --rm \
-d -p ${SEARXNG_PORT}:8080 \
-v "/etc/searxng:/etc/searxng" \
-e "BASE_URL=http://localhost:$SEARXNG_PORT/" \
-e "INSTANCE_NAME=oorihive-engine" \
Uses llama.cpp remotely hosted for LLM processing.
Set up an endpoint, and update your environment
From your virtual environment:
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
- pull news for the past day
- run LLM-based assessments, summarization, credibility scoring & storage of best candidates for next action e-mail
- check e-mail day criteria (as configured, e.g. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays)
- if it's an e-mail day, pull all pending news item candidates & LLM-generate action items
- Send e-mail to gethered addresses
Until you're sure you know what you're doing, you probably want to use the dry run feature (see testing section, below)
Use a sound approach to set up the environment, including secrets.
For example, if you use 1password and have a file op.env
, you can just set the environment inline to run any COMMAND
op run —env-file op.env -- COMMAND
So in the case of tsting:
dotenv -f op.env run -- op run --env-file=op.env -- run_daily/ --dry-run
You can use both --dry-run
and --set-date
specify a date to test how the program would operate on a given day.
run_daily/ --dry-run --set-date=2024-05-23
❯ docker build -t tmclimate-cron -f ./docker/rundaily/dockerfile
- Separates language from code using Word Loom
- Personalization, which will be fed into prompting for summarization & suggested actions
- Credibility checking of news items
Data flow & other engineering diagrams
Proper library setup & modularization (now all spaghetti-thrown into the
dir) -
Online archive of past action e-mails
Continue to think about managing/securing SearXNG (as well as PGVector & llama.cpp). Security-minded "Searx Installation and Discussion" article.
keeping up with climate news is overwhelming and demoralizing
- Hub to push info/ideas/actions to user based on climate news
- utilizing AI to customize/agregate/summarize(/score on the backend?) feed based on specific interests
- email the user actionable steps
- daily weather
- summarize relevant news (for the user)
- give users a selection of action items relevant to the situation
- gamification?
- UX focused around a big thermometer that's goin up with climate change and when you do an action, you make a dent on it!
- show/record what the user has done to keep them invested
- (geographical) scale filtering?
- politicization?
- group action?