This bot is not for pokemon go. It is for the discord bot called pokecord.
This will take over your keyboard. This is not meant to be used in a discord server with mutiple people, use at your own risk.
Gotcha v2.1.1.2 - Latest - Working 9/25/19
Gotcha v2.1.1.1 - Old patched
Gotcha v2.1.0.10 - Old - Hotfix
Gotcha v2.1.0.9 - NOT STABLE - New auto voter
Gotcha v2.1.0.8 - Latest Release - New webbrowser support
Gotcha v2.1.0.7 - Older
Gotcha v2.1.0.6 - Older
Gotcha v2.1.0.5 - Older - New auto update feature. This can be turned off in settings.ini
Gotcha v2.1.0.4 - Hotfix - Older - Stable
Gotcha v2.1.0.3 - Older - Stable
Gotcha v2.1.0.2 - Older - Stable
Gotcha v2.1.0.1 - Older - Stable
Gotcha v2.1.0.0 - Original Commit - Stable
+g <- Prefix
Settings Commands: (you must include the "[]" brackets.)
+g[settings][channel][channelname] <- replace channelname with your channel name.
- This command changes the channel name in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][token][yourtoken] <- replace yourtoken with your token.
- This command changes the token in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][prefix][p!] <- replace p! with your pokecord prefix.
- This command changes the token in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][spamdelay][1500] <- replace 1500 with your delay in ms.
- This command changes the spam delay in the settings.ini file. (1500ms the default, is the suggested ammount)
+g[settings][autoupdate][on/off] < - replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the auto updater to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][autospam][on/off] < - replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the auto spammer to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][autolevel][on/off] < - replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the auto leveler to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][autobal][on/off] <- replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the auto ballance to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][catchdelay][750] <- replace 750 with your delay in ms.
- This command changes the catch delay in the settings.ini file (750ms the default, is the suggested ammount)
+g[settings][legend][on/off] <- replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the legendary notifications to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][mythic][on/off] <- replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the mythical notifications to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][ultrabeast][on/off] <- replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the Ultra Beast notifications to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][event][on/off] <- replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the event pokemon notifications to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][shiny][on/off] <- replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the shiny pokemon notifications to true or false in the settings.ini file.
+g[settings][custom][on/off] <- replace on/off with either on or off.
- This command changes the custom pokemon notifications to true or false in the settings.ini file.
- This command reloads the settings.ini file. This is required after any settings changes in order to take effect. Even after it is suggested to reboot the bot.
Click Here to create a bot and invite it to your server as follows
- Click the 'New Application' button
- Enter a name for this bot and click create
- Click the 'Bot' tab under settings on the left toolbar
- Click the 'Add Bot' button
- Click 'Yes do it' in the pop-up
- Select 'OAuth2' tab under settings on the left toolbar
- Select 'Bot' checkbox from the scopes list and copy the link
Paste the copied link into a new tab / new window
Select the server you want to invite the bot to and click 'Authorize'
- Go back to the developer portal at and select the Bot tab again.
- Click 'Copy' button located under the token
Make sure your discord desktop client is running (this does not work with discord on webclients like chrome etc)
Download the latest version of the bot
- Extract the zip to the desktop or my documents, somewhere you can find it easily.
- Open the folder Gotcha v2.1 that was extracted from the zip and start Gotcha v2.1.exe
- If you do not want the auto updater to run you need to go to /config/settings.ini and change AutoUpdate to False
- If you want to change any settings beforehand please check /config/settings.ini and change them
- If you want to change any settings during the bot running, use the commands located in this readme
- If you want to pause the bot press F12
If there is an update the auto updated will automatically start. If not then the bot will ask you for your token.
This is the token we coppied in the step above, paste it using CTRL + V and press enter
The updater should now be asking you for the channel name
- This is the name of the channel you will be spamming and catching pokemon in, on discord, do not include the #
Once complete the bot should start.
If there is no update the bot should start.
AutoBal = True ; If True this will auto collect pokedex rewards
CatchDelay = 750 ; The delay the bot should wait before catching the pokemon
PokeWhitelist = Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur ; The list of pokemon you want to catch. Must be spelled correctly, and capital first letter
Visible = True ; If True this will display catch stats
Totals = True ; If True this will display total lifetime catch stats if catch stats are visible
MostCaught = True ; If True this will display your most caught pokemon
Money = True ; If True this will display your current ballance
Seen = 798 ; This is how many pokemon you have seen total
Caught = 797 ; This is how many pokemon you have caught total
Legendary = 0 ; This is how many legendary pokemon you have caught total
Mythical = 0 ; This is how many mythic pokemon you have caught total
UltraBeast = 0 ; This is how many ultra beast pokemon you have caught total
Event = 0 ; This is how many event pokemon you have caught total
Custom = 0 ; This is how many custom selected pokemon you have caught total [set in notifications.ini]
Shiny = 1 ; This is how many shiny pokemon you have caught total
Popular = Skiddo ; This is your most caught pokemon ever
PopularCount = 8 ; This is how many you have caught of that pokemon
Level = 278 ; This is how many levels you have gained in total
Evolution = 2 ; This is how many evolutions you have gained in total
Credits = 132125 ; This is how many credits you currently have
AutoLevel = True ; If True this will auto select the next pokemon either from queue or latest
LevelQueue = 4076, 4693, 701, 917 ; There are the pokemon to select first else will select latest if empty
Visible = True ; If True this will display level & evolution stats
Totals = True ; If True this will display total level & evolution stats
Legendary = True ; If True this will DM you when you catch a legendary pokemon
Mythical = True ; If True this will DM you when you catch a mythic pokemon
UltraBeast = True ; If True this will DM you when you catch a ultra beast pokemon
EventPkmn = True ; If True this will DM you when you catch a event pokemon
Shiny = True ; If True this will DM you when you catch a shiny pokemon
CustomPkmn = False ; If True this will DM you when you catch a custom listed pokemon below
CustomPoke = Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamance, Metagross, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Goodra, Kommo-o
BotToken = ; This is the bot token you get from
Channel = general ; This is the channel in discord you want to spam/catch
Client = Discord ; This is the client type | Windows: Discord | Chrome: Google Chrome | Firefox: Mozilla Firefox
Prefix = p! ; This is the pokecord prefix
BotHotkey = F12 ; This is the hotkey for pausing/resuming the bot | F1 - F12
AutoSpam = True ; If True the bot will auto spam
SpamInterval = 3500 ; The interval in MS for how offten to spam messages
AutoUpdate = True ; If True the bot will auto update
Version = ; The current version your bot is running
AutoVoter = True ; If True the bot will auto vote every 12 hours
LastVote = 8/3/2019 7:53:49 PM ; This is the last time your auto voter ran
Email = [email protected] ; This is your discord email. This is required. Otherwise set AutoVoter = False
Password = test123 ; This is your discord password. This is required. Otherwise set AutoVoter = False