OrthoDontist passionate about programming, Working as a Full Stack Developer:
- Created my Start Up CyberTooth using Django, HTMX , Flutter, AWS, Docker, and Kubernetes
- Working on a Ruby on Rails, React Native, Expo, NextJS, and VueJS Shopifiy alternative Zammit
- Created Multiple Wordpress/WooCommerce Freelance Projects Examples:
- HTML/CSS Websites Projects Examples:
- Mobile Apps Using Flutter Projects (Android/IOS) Examples:
- CyberTooth Dental
- LifeAim Energize
- Mobile Apps Using ReactNative and Expo Projects (Android/IOS) Examples:
- ZamPOS
- ZamShop
- Worked with all major cloud providers, specially AWS
- Red Team and SOC Fan training on TryHackMe.com and HackTheBox.com:
Languages i can speak and write:
- Arabic: Native Level
- English: Professional Level
- French: Good Level
- Romanian: Average Level
- Italian: Weak Level
- German: Weak Level