SQLTool .NET Core global tool project that provides a simple command-line program that allows the user to manually enter and execute SQL statements with or without showing query results against an SQLite, PostgreSQl databases.Later will be added functions to simple adding and editing datatables.
A .NET Core global tool is a special NuGet package that contains a console application. When installing a tool, .NET Core CLI will download and make your console tool available as a new command.
The steps are very easy you only have to
Check if .NET Core sdk version 2.1 installed on your system, you can download it from Here then check if the instalation has gone correctly by typing
user$ dotnet --version user$ 2.1.402
A single command allows you to download and install the tool
user$ dotnet tool install --global sqltoool
Add the tool to the enironement variable
setx PATH "$env:PATH;$env:USERPROFILE/.dotnet/tools"
echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:\$HOME/.dotnet/tools\"" >> ~/.bash_profile